Attendance Policy

Student attendance is a means of improving student performance and is critical in raising student achievement. Together, students, parents and the community must make every effort to lessen the loss of instructional time to students.

In accordance with School and District Daily Attendance policies, students must be physically present in school for a minimum of 2 hours in order to be counted as present for attendance purposes. Failure to be physically present for a minimum of 2 hours will result in an absence for the entire school day.

Student Behavior Policy

Code of Student Conduct
We Love Kids is committed to providing a safe teaching and learning environment for students, staff, and members of the community. Our COSC identifies, recognizes, and rewards model student behavior within a framework of clearly established and enforceable rules and policies. It advocates a holistic approach to promoting and maintaining a safe learning environment and requires active participation from students, parents/guardians, and school staff. Please see the acknowledgement of receipt and review below.

Student Rights and Responsibilities
The rights and responsibilities presented in the Code of Student Conduct reflect the need for providing students with greater opportunities to serve themselves and society, and allow students maximum freedom under law, commensurate with the schools’ responsibility for student health, safety, and welfare.
Students are expected to conform to our code of conduct and uniform policy. We have a strict zero-tolerance approach to bullying and harassment and all such incidents will be addressed firmly.
Students are encouraged to take part in various clubs and extracurricular activities which are open to all. Further information on enrollment is also available on our website.

Behavior Notification
A behavior notification may be given to students who have violated the code of conduct and/or have exhibited severely disruptive behavior. Please be advised: Receiving any three behavior notifications in a school year may result in administrative action.
*Behavior Notification may also be issued due to an excess amount of tardiness and/or absences. See the sections on Attendance Policy and Arrival/Dismissal for more detailed information

Student Uniform Policy

Dress Code
Students are expected to come to school with proper attention having been given to personal cleanliness, grooming, and neatness of dress. Students whose personal attire or grooming distracts the attention of other students or teachers from their school work shall be required to make the necessary alterations to such attire or grooming before entering the classroom or be sent home by the principal to be properly prepared for school. Students who fail to meet the minimum acceptable standards of cleanliness and neatness as determined by the principal and as specified in this policy shall be subject to appropriate disciplinary measures.

Uniform Policy
The appearance of the members of the Chanty Learning Center Inc family is of paramount importance to us as we believe that pride in our appearance is fundamental to good character development and success. The following is the uniform policy that is endorsed by the school. Students are required to follow this policy, and failure to do so will result in administrative action being taken against the student. Uniforms must be worn every day. Students who arrive at school without proper uniform may be sent home, and a warning documenting violation of this policy will be issued. After three (3) violations of this policy, the student will be issued a referral that will be placed in the student’s permanent record.
● Students in kindergarten through six grades are required to wear navy-blue pants, polo shirts, heather grey and navy-blue coat bearing the Chanty Learning Center Inc logo.
● All students are required to wear navy-blue pants Uniform bottoms may not have cargo pockets, Uniform bottoms that are too big or too tight for the student are not acceptable and will be deemed in violation of the uniform policy.
● Footwear must be close-toed, solid black.
● All uniforms must be clean and pressed at all times; good grooming of hair.

Parent Portal and Student Portal

Parents/Guardians, including employees, have access to the Parent Portal THINKWAVE. In order to access the information in the portal, you must first create a parent user account. This will allow you to update personal information, see your child’s information – including grades, attendance.

Student Information & Safety

Confidential Information
Parents, guardians and students are protected by The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act and the Florida Statutes from individuals’ access to information in students’ educational records and are provided the right to challenge the accuracy of these records. These laws provide that without the prior consent of the parent, guardian or eligible student, a student’s records may not be released, except in accordance with the provisions listed in the above-cited laws. The laws provide certain exceptions to the prior consent requirement to the release of student records, which include, but are not limited to, school officials with a legitimate educational interest and lawfully issued subpoenas and court orders

Use of Student Photograph or Videotape
Photographs or video of classroom activities will be taken throughout the year and may be published on our school website, in public newspapers, and in any advertising the school may use. Since the Internet and newspaper are public forums accessible by all, parental permission is required. A consent form is sent home at the beginning of the school year to obtain authorization from each student’s parent/guardian to photograph or videotape students. If a parent/guardian objects to this, it is important that the consent form is filled out and returned to the child’s teacher.

Emergency Contact Information

Student Data/Emergency Contact Forms are distributed during the first week of school. Students are expected to bring the cards home and present them to their parents or guardians. The card must be carefully completed and then returned. The information provided on the Student Data/Emergency Contact Card will enable school staff to contact the parent/guardian immediately in the case of an emergency. Students may only be released from school to the persons listed on the emergency contact card after presenting a picture identification. No persons, other than school staff, will have access to the information submitted. It is critical that the school office be notified of any change of address and/or telephone number immediately.


Parents will be notified immediately in case of illness or an accident. In the event that a parent cannot be located, the person(s) named on the emergency contact cards will be contacted. It is your responsibility to make sure that these numbers are current and accurate. Please notify the office immediately of any accident or injury which occurred during arrival or departure from school. Children who are ill should remain at home to minimize the risk of passing the illness onto others. Please notify us of any contagious illness your child has so we may alert other parents. In addition, please notify the school of any chronic condition your child may have.